« In a judgment handed down on August 28, 2024, the Paris correctional court convicted the company URBAN ACT and its director of the offenses of placing advertising that did not comply with local advertising regulations or that was unlawfully placed on a remarkable heritage site or on listed buildings, from June 2017 to June 2021. The company was sentenced to a maximum fine of 3,500 euros. A financial penalty was also imposed on its director. The court handed down these penalties in view of the multiple warnings issued by the administrative authorities, which URBAN ACT failed to act upon, demonstrating its disregard for regulations governing advertising in the public space. The court ordered the publication of this sentence as an additional penalty.»
Courir annonce l'ouverture de sa nouvelle boutique au centre commercial Part Dieu et pour le faire savoir sollicite l'agence Urban Act pour la mise en place d'un dispositif de Street Marketing et de Guérilla Marketing intégrant des diffusions de flyers associés à des mises en place de Stickers au Sol.
Un dispositif implanté sur les zones les plus fréquentées de la ville, en adéquation avec une cible jeune et jeune adulte, et dans l'environnement du nouveau point de vente afin d'apporter le plus grand rayonnement possible à la campagne.
A very specific profession, strong customer expectations and local know-how that is not always mastered
or up to the stakes, have prompted advertisers to seek Urban Act and its expertise beyond its borders.